
by Moonstone



Stomap it born to help such as ostomy and family members, caregivers, professionals in the health sector and all those who want to inform themselves to improve their quality of life through advice and information from experts in the field professionals.Inside the app you can find:• A map of the Lombardy region with all surgeries in the area• A section dedicated to the rights of the person stomizzata• A section containing video with testimonials from patients who have decided to tell their story• A section devoted to both general and specific dietary advice for patients colostomy, ileostomy and urostomies• And finally, a section dedicated to frequently asked questions that are asked by the Stomaterapisti ostomyFor any information within the application, in compliance with the principle of transparency, you will find all the references of those who participated in the making. Stomap it born to help and stand next to the patient ostomy and as such we are open to any suggestions and proposals to improve the service.